Wednesday 2 June 2010

Problems or issues in my career


Today i'm going to speak about gener problems or issues in my career, I think that my career is in general a career for the women, but that a men study obstetrics have benefits and drawsbacks, the benefits is that the men is more careful with women because they never have felt the pain of childbirt, but Ithink tahta the drawsbacks is that the women feel more understood by other women, although its'n only in obstetrics also is in other career as nursing or nutrition that also are career generally for women, but I think that in my career is more strange to see a men, because the midwife working only with women.
I think that over time the men in my career will be more common, I can explain to the patients who attend a woman like a man and not differences, but the time is the best method for the men most knows.
I think that in other countries the gender issues among health workers are similiar in Chile, but there are places that this career is women only, so as well there are places that is very common see men in this career, depends on the countries and the society.


  1. hi!!!
    the difference of gender in our career is a topic very interesting, because have benefit and problem, but the most importart is that the society must change the mind and accept the men in this profession.....
    see you!!!!

  2. Hi michelle, interesting your post
    mmm I have a suggerence in any words of the text, and the correct is gender, no gener.

  3. Hi michelle
    I have a suggerence in any sentence of the text, "for the women", this sentence could be change for... "for women" only.
    And suggerence that review this sentence "Ithink tahta".
