Wednesday 26 May 2010

my future


Today I going to speak about my future, this topic is very important for me because it's not clear, but I think that it's will about y career and my family, I wish travel for the world and I know defferent culture and lenguages in special information about the obstetrics and neonatology by different countries for example Switzerland. I like go by change to study and make specialities in some interesting topics, this is my first illusion. Also I like make the curses in Chile for help people and to other midwives from Peru or Bolivia for decrease the maternal mortality in these countries.

When I finish my career I like study a speciality about the neonatology, I like work at UCI in the hospital, department of neonatology, for is in contact with babies every day d help family and babies in emergency case. Althought this work isn't easy s very significant for me because the babies are very delicte and for his innocence they need a person that has special babies care, also I wish form a group for women and teach about women care, PAP importance, mamas exams, etcetera. This is for help society in special for the mothers.

Althought ll this can be alone dreams, I know that with effort everything is possible and there aren't impossible dreams.

To form a family is very important for me and I hope can expire with my illusion and have a nice family.

This are my drems :)


Wednesday 19 May 2010

my career

When I was a girl it was dreaming of working with babies, I was thinking of being a pediatrician and this was my major illusion, but I was growing and investigating about other career that impress me for example obstetrics, in this moment I knew that this is the career that I would like study in the future, although that I to understand the role of the midwife when start to study, but always thought that I like to be neonatologist, when I see the PSU score I didn’t doubt that obstetrics is my firs option, really was the first five options, but in different universities, my first option “Universidad de Chile” and happily I’m study in this university.

This career is the right for me because have all the necessary for to be happy, I like the help people, babies, pregnant and this career have everything, for this I think that is the perfect career for me, I’m very happy studying obstetrics.

The education and the anecdotes that to tell the teacher of the obstetrics school have had an great impact in me because I now understand the importance of midwife and before I hadn’t notice, now I’m most secure that I love this career.

I hope to be the best midwife, to be someday neonatologist, because the babies are very special for me and would make me very happy can help to the society and especially the pregnant and babies.

I’m very lucky for studying the career that I like in the best University of Chile

Tuesday 4 May 2010

my favourite website

The website of midwife (school's midwife) is my favourite page because is very important for me, in this page you were finding forum and you can comment about interesting topics and know the opinion of others peoples, also you were finding links and information about the draft midwives and draft with MINSAL. In this website you will meed midwife's published and news dates of pregnancy, neonatology, contraceptives that is beneficial for all the society not only for midwife. In the initial page is published the new information or the news discoveries about hospital or others institutions, natural childbirth and contraceptives. You can send questions that will answers in your email, also you were find the history of the obstetrics.

I visit this website two or three times a week because always i meeting news informations very interesting or interesting link for visit, the information in this page is very util actually, and there is news information every days. I like this page because not is only for midwife, is for all the society, the information is util for pregnant, babys, adolescents, in general is for every woman and your care.

I recommend this website to my friends, because has important information, it is interesting and througth the website you informed about care in the pregnancy, technological advances in health, etc.